Vehicles with F5MR1 and F5MR2 gearboxes
Pic. 11.7. F5MR1 and F5MR2 gearbox shift mechanism: 1 - ring gasket; 2 – the plug of draft of a gear change; 3 - nut (16 Nm); 4 - sleeve; 5 – connection of draft of a gear change assy (from the gear lever side); 6 - bolt (25 Nm); 7 – gearshift lever assembly; 8 – an adjusting bolt of draft of a gear change (24 Nm); 9 – draft of a gear change in gathering; 10 – connection of draft of a gear change assy (from the gearbox side)
1. Loosen the nut and remove the bolt securing the rod 5 (see fig. 11.7) gear shift from the side of the gear lever.
2. Raise the protective cover of the gear lever, unscrew the bolts and remove the lever by pulling up.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, taking into account the following.
1. Check the operation of the reverse gear lock.
2. Check the operation of the gear lever.
Vehicles with F5M42 and F5MV1 gearboxes
Pic. 11.8. Gearbox control mechanism F5M42: 1 - cotter pin; 2 – connection of a cable of a choice of transfers (from the checkpoint); 3 – connection of a cable of a gear change (from the checkpoint); 4 – cables of switching and a cable of a choice of transfers in gathering; 5 – connection of a cable of a gear change (from the passenger compartment); 6 - retainer; 7 – connection of a cable of a choice of transfers (from the passenger compartment); 8 – gearshift lever assembly; 9 - bushing; 10 - spacer sleeve; 11 - bolt (25 Nm); 12 - bushing; 13 - the handle of the gear lever; 14 - nut (12 Nm)
1. Pull up and remove the lever handle 13 (see fig. 11.8) gear shifting.
2. Remove bushing 12.
3. Remove the front floor console assembly.
4. Disconnect the gear selection cable 7 from the gear lever (from the passenger compartment).
5. Remove the latch 6 and disconnect the shift cable 5 (from the passenger compartment).
6. Turn away bolts and remove the lever 8 of a gear change in gathering.
7. Remove spacer 10.
8. Remove bushing 9.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, taking into account the following.
Check the operation of the gear lever.