Heater control panel (1983-91)
1. Drawer locks for small items; 2. Cable drive damper junction box; 3. Handles; 4. Plug; 5. Central section; 6. connector; 7. Lower footwell air duct cover; 8. Windshield heating duct; 9. Divider cable; 10. Crane drive cable; 11. Control panel; 12. Air blower switch
Heater control panel (1992-98)
1. Clips; 2, 16. Control box damper cable; 3, 14. Crane drive cable; 4. Bottom panel; 5. Air ducts; 6, 15. Divider cable; 7. Central section; 8. Heater control panel; 9. Facing; 10. Handles; 11. Air blower switch; 12. Air conditioner switch; 13. Spring clips
Cars 1983-91
1. Remove the coin box.
2. Disconnect the junction box damper cable by bending the spring clip.
3. Remove the handles from the control panel.
4. Remove the plugs, remove the screws and remove the center section of the front panel. When removing, unplug the connector from the back.
5. Remove the lower air duct covers along the front panel.
6. Remove an air duct of heating of a windshield.
7. Disconnect heater control cables.
8. Remove the heater assembly.
9. Disconnect the connector and remove the fan switch.
10. Installation is carried out in the reverse order.
11. Before attaching the cables, move the corresponding damper and valve levers to their extreme positions and secure the cable sheaths with spring clips.
12. After assembly, check the completeness and freedom of movement of the control levers.
Cars 1992-98
1. Remove the coin box.
2. Bend the spring clips and disconnect the junction box damper and thermostatic damper cables.
3. Remove the handles from the control panel.
4. Remove the side covers, remove the screws and remove the center section of the front panel. When removing the panel, unplug the connector from the back.
5. Remove the bottom cover and air ducts for the left side nozzle and footwell airflow.
6. Disconnect the splitter cable.
7. Turn away bolts and remove managements of a heater.
8. If necessary remove facing, handles and switches.
9. Remove the spring clips securing the cable sheaths by pressing them in directions A and B and remove the cables (1 - bracket; 2 - cable).
10. Installation is carried out in the reverse order.
11. To attach the junction box damper cable, press the lever fully in the direction indicated by the arrow.
12. To attach the thermostatic damper cable, press the lever fully in the direction indicated by the arrow.
13. For connection of a cable of dividing gate press up to the full on the lever in the direction specified by an arrow.
14. Secure the cable sheaths with spring clips.
15. After assembly, check the completeness and freedom of movement of the control levers.