2. Install the car on a horizontal platform.
3. Alternately set the gear selector to all positions to maximize the liquid filling of all actuators and channels, and then set the selector to position «N».
4. After removing dirt around the automatic transmission oil dipstick, remove the dipstick and determine the fluid level.
Attention: if the automatic transmission fluid smells like burnt oil or is heavily contaminated, and if the fluid contains metal particles that may be a sign of worn parts, the automatic transmission should be completely overhauled with flushing of all hydraulic lines, including the automatic transmission oil cooler.
5. Make sure the fluid level is between the two marks on the dipstick marked «NOT». Add fluid if necessary.
Recommended automatic transmission fluid: DIA QUEEN ATFSP III.
If the fluid level is too low, the automatic transmission pump will entrain air, which, entering the automatic transmission hydraulic control lines, will significantly impair the automatic transmission control.
If the fluid level is too high, the gears of the automatic transmission can foam up the fluid, which can lead to the same control problems as if the fluid level is too low.
A correct measurement of the fluid level in an automatic transmission is a measurement carried out at the operating temperatures of the fluid (70-80°C).