Transfer case housing adapter
1. On the teeth of the driven bevel gear (at both sides) Apply with a brush a thin and even layer of Prussian blue or red lead (pic. 11.63).
Pic. 11.63. On the teeth of the driven bevel gear (at both sides) Apply with a brush a thin and even layer of Prussian blue or red lead
Adjusting washer
2. Install the previously used shim (pic. 11.64).
Pic. 11.64. Install the previously used shim
Transfer case housing
3. Attach the transfer case housing adapter to the housing itself (pic. 11.65).
Pic. 11.65. Attach the transfer case housing adapter to the housing itself
4. Using the special tool, turn the drive bevel gear shaft one turn in the normal direction and one turn in the opposite direction (pic. 11.66).
Pic. 11.66. Using the special tool, turn the drive bevel gear shaft one turn in the normal direction and one turn in the opposite direction
Attention! Do not rotate the drive bevel gear shaft more than one revolution, otherwise the contact of the teeth will not be clearly visible.
5. Check for proper tooth contact on the drive bevel gear (pic. 11.67).
Pic. 11.67. Check for proper tooth contact on the drive bevel gear
6. Make sure that the profile clearance of the teeth between the driving and driven bevel gears corresponds to the required (pic. 11.68). Profile clearance of the teeth of the bevel gear set: 0.08-0.13 mm.
Pic. 11.68. Make sure that the tooth profile gap between the driving and driven bevel gears is correct. 1 - Indicator