Wheel alignment
2. Toe-in: 0°09'±06'. Rear wheel toe adjustment is carried out by turning the adjusting bolt located on the inside of the control lever (pic. 12.8). Left: clockwise rotation - positive convergence. Right: clockwise rotation - negative convergence. The toe adjustment changes by 2.6mm with each turn.
Pic. 12.8. Checking and adjusting the convergence of the rear wheels
3. Camber: 0°00'±30'. If the camber does not meet the required value, it must be adjusted.
4. The camber is adjusted by turning the adjusting bolt of the transverse arm and rear transverse beam (pic. 12.9). Left: Clockwise rotation - positive camber. Right: Clockwise rotation - negative camber angle.
Pic. 12.9. Checking and adjusting the camber