1. Drive to the edge of the road, stop the car, shift the lever to the position "R" - with an automatic transmission, or turn on idling - with a manual transmission; apply the handbrake. If the air conditioner is running, turn it off.
2. If coolant leaks or steam comes out of the radiator or coolant expansion tank, shut off the engine; open the hood and wait until the steam escapes. If neither steam nor liquid comes out, do not turn off the engine, but check if the cooling fan is running. If not, then turn off the ignition.
3. Additional control.
Check the water pump V-belt: is it loose or cracked?
Visual inspection: for tightness of the radiator, radiator hoses and underside of the vehicle. It can be considered acceptable if water drips from the air conditioner after operation. When the engine is running, be careful to keep hands and clothing away from the moving fan and V-belt.
4. If the V-belt is cracked or if coolant is leaking, stop the engine immediately. Contact your Toyota dealer for any necessary repairs.
5. If the V-belt is OK and no coolant is leaking, check the coolant expansion tank. If it is empty, then water must be poured into the tank while the engine is running. Fill approximately halfway.
Warning! Never attempt to remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Serious injuries can be caused by boiling liquid and steam escaping under pressure.
6. After the engine has cooled down to normal temperature, check the fluid level in the tank again. If necessary, fill the tank up to half. Severe coolant loss means there are leaks in the cooling system. The Toyota workshop should check the cooling system as soon as possible.