1. Raise the car and remove the wheel.
4.2 Remove the brake hose bracket (indicated by an arrow) from the rack
2. Remove the brake hose from the rack (4.2).
4.3 Remove the two nuts and bolts securing the pivot pin to the column (indicated by arrows) - knock out the bolts if necessary
3. Turn off nuts of fastening of a rack to a rotary pin and beat out fixing bolts (4.3).
4.4 Remove the stub axle from the column
4. Remove the pivot pin from the column (4.4).
4.5 While supporting the column, unscrew the fixing nuts (indicated by arrows)
5. Supporting the rack, unscrew the nuts securing the rack to the body (4.5). Remove the suspension strut from the vehicle.
6. Inspect the strut for signs of fluid leakage, dents, cracks, or other damage.
7. Inspect the spring for cracks or damage to the coating.
8. Replace spring if necessary.
9. Establish a rack on the car and get nuts of fastening of a rack to a body.
10. Install the stub axle on the column and insert the two bolts. Tighten the nuts to the required tightening torque.
11. Install the brake hose bracket on the rack and securely tighten the mounting bolt.
12. Install the wheel and lower the vehicle to the ground.
13. Tighten the top mounting nuts to the correct torque.