2. Turn off an adjusting nut of a removed cable.
3. Raise the rear of the vehicle and remove the rear wheel.
4. Remove the brake drum and shoes.
5. Disconnect the cable from the lever on the brake.
14.6 Remove the E-clip and route the cable through the brake shield
6. Remove the E-clip securing the cable to the brake shield (14.6) and pull the cable through the shield.
14.7 Elements of fastening of a cable of a manual brake
1. Not used; 2. Locknut; 3. Adjusting nut; 4. Balancer; 5. Front cable; 6. Handbrake warning light switch; 7. Handbrake lever; 8. Not used; 9. Clamp; 10. Sleeve; 11. Cable end; 12. E-clip; 13. Rear cable
7. Remove the cable from the clips on the trailing arm (14.7).
14.8 Remove the rear seat and fold back the carpet to gain access to the clamp bolts (indicated by arrows) - unscrew only the bolt that secures the cable to be removed (Precis model shown)
8. Remove the rear seat. Raise the carpet, unscrew the clamp bolt and remove the cable from the clamp (14.8). Pull the cable into the cabin.
9. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal. After installation is complete, adjust the handbrake.